Vasco Nunes da Silva

Aesthetic Dentistry, Oral Rehabilitation, Orthodontics, Fixed Prosthodontics
Doctor Vasco Nunes da Silva was born on February 11, 1987, he completed his basic training at the Catholic School of Salesianos do Estoril and secondary education at the lyceum of S. João do Estoril.
He received a Master's degree in Dentistry from the Instituto de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz in 2012 and since then began his connection to pre-graduate teaching, as a guest monitor, at the same institution, in the discipline of Conservative Dentistry I and II, having promoted to Invited Assistant Professor in 2014.
From an early age, he voluntarily joined observation and internship initiatives in several areas of Dentistry (surgery, Oral rehabilitation and Orthodontics) at Lx CLINIC and Maxillofacial Surgery at CUF Descobertas Hospital.
He completed two postgraduate courses in the area of Orthodontics. One completed in 2014 in Lisbon, Portugal, by the Eduardo Prado Institute and another in San Sebastian, Spain, completed in 2016, by the FACE Group of Multidisciplinary Advanced Orthodontics.
He is an INVISALIGN provider since 2015.
In 2020 he was invited to be a member and speaker by the international group of Be International Dental Expert (BEiDE). It was also in this year that he joined the Postgraduate team at BDP education, as a guest professor.
Doctor. Vasco Nunes da Silva bases his clinical practice in the areas of Orthodontics, Aesthetic, Biomimetic and Functional Oral Rehabilitation. He is linked to postgraduate teaching in the area of biomimetic oral rehabilitation and is the author of several publications in congresses and scientific journals.